This guide is for the integration with the Passeli Merit software. You will need the Passeli Merit API ID and API key for the integration.
Guide for Passeli Merit integration
Instructions for setting up the integration in Passeli Merit are available on Passeli Merit's Finnish support site (link opens in a new tab): Miten integroin StatBun-raportointityökalun Passeli Meritiin? (Pro ja Premium-versiot).
If you encounter issues while setting up the integration, please contact Passeli Merit's support team directly for assistance. You can find their contact details on Passeli Merit's Finnish customer support page here: Passeli Merit Asiakastuki.
After the API ID and API Key are created
Once the API ID and API key are created, follow these steps:
1. If you are in the onboarding phase, meaning you are registering as a new user and setting up StatBun for the first time, select Passeli Merit as the data source during the integration setup and enter the API ID and key in the designated fields.
Afterward, complete the onboarding process. StatBun will automatically fetch your company’s financial data and create ready-made views for you within minutes.
2. If you are already registered and logged into StatBun, click on the top menu: Marketplace → Integrations → Passeli Merit.
Enter the API ID and key in the specified fields. Finally, click "Save" and then "Activate".
The default settings are configured to fetch data on a scheduled basis every night. StatBun will retrieve data for the current and the two previous full financial years. You can adjust how often the data is fetched and change the synchronization interval if desired.
Fetched data
Once the integration is complete, data will be transferred from Passeli Merit to StatBun, but not from StatBun to Passeli Merit.
The integration will automatically fetch the following data from Passeli Merit to StatBun:
- Accounting data
- Cost centers.
Coming soon to the integration:
- Sales invoices, orders, and credit notes
- Sales and purchase payments
- Bank transfers
- Purchase invoices and suppliers
- Time tracking and expense reports.
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