This guide explains how to create credentials in Fennoa.
Guide for creating Fennoa API credentials
To set up the Fennoa API integration, you need a Fennoa program username and key. Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide for creating the necessary credentials in Fennoa.
Add a new API user in Fennoa (client-specific)
1. Adding an API user requires administrator rights, which are typically held only by the main user at the accounting office.
2. Add a new API user. Navigate to the menu: Fennoa → Käyttäjät → Luo uusi API-käyttäjä. (Fennoa website is available only in Finnish).
3. Choose the system to be integrated from the list by clicking "Valitse".
4. Click the "Luo API-käyttäjä" button.
5. Take note of the username and key. Make sure to store them securely.
Potential Errors
- "Lisää uusi API-käyttäjä" function is not visible.
- The user lacks sufficient permissions. API users can only be created with administrator rights.
- Only one predefined API user allowed per company. If the username or API key has been lost, delete the existing API user and create a new one.
- Error message when the user has already been established: "Yritys ei ole Kaikki toiminnot -yritys" (= The company is not an all functions company".
- The accounting office must update the client company to be an "All functions company."
If you encounter any issues, please contact Fennoa through their contact page by clicking here (Finnish only).
Once the credentials are ready
1. If you are in the onboarding phase. meaning that you are registering as a user and setting up StatBun for the first time, select Fennoa during the integration setup phase. Enter the username and key in the designated fields.
After this, complete the onboarding process. StatBun will automatically fetch your company’s financial data and generate ready-made views within minutes.
2. If you are already registered and logged into StatBun, navigate to: Marketplace →Integrations → Fennoa.
Enter the user identifier and key in the respective fields and click "Save" and then "Activate".
The default settings are configured to fetch data on a scheduled basis every night. StatBun retrieves data for the current and the two previous full fiscal years. If needed, you can adjust the frequency of data fetching and modify the synchronization period.
Fetched data
Once the integration is complete, information flows from Fennoa to StatBun but not the other way around. The following accounting data is transferred from Fennoa to StatBun:
- Accounting entries
- Financial years
- Accounting dimensions
- Accounts
- Document types.
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